Do you know that everyone needs a certain amount of body fat for stored energy, heat insulation, shock absorption, and other functions?

Does that mean that everyone needs a certain amount of body fat? Yes, exactly. How much? That depends on the individual. Some individuals need more, and some less. Some individuals can live on a higher-fat diet, for example. Others need a low-fat diet for a healthy weight management.

As a rule, women have more body fat than men. Most health care providers agree that men with more than 25 percent body fat and women with more than 30 percent body fat are obese.

Let’s find out how to measure your body fat amounts, reveal types of body fat, and learn how to reduce excess fat with the best fat loss ideas!

How to Measure Body Fat?

Measuring the exact amount of a person’s body fat is not easy and various traditional and modern methods and ways have been implemented.

How to measure body fat?

This can be useful from time to time to measure the extent of one’s obesity or being overweight.


The most accurate measures are to weigh a person underwater or to use an X-ray test called Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA). However, these methods are not practical for the average person, and are done only in research centers with special equipment.

Thickness of subcutaneous fat

There are simpler methods to estimate body fat. One is to measure the thickness of the layer of fat just under the skin (sub cutaneous) in several parts of the body. This method is commonly used at health clubs and commercial weight loss programs.

Electric current

Another method of measuring obesity involves sending a harmless amount of electricity through a person’s body. Results from this method, however, can be inaccurate if done by an inexperienced person or on someone with severe obesity.

Weight for height tables

Because measuring a person’s body fat is difficult; health care providers often rely on other means to diagnose obesity. Weight-for-height tables, which have been used for decades, usually have a range of acceptable weights for a person of a given height. One problem with these tables is that there are many versions, all with different weight ranges. Another problem is that they do not distinguish between excess fat and muscle. A very muscular person may appear obese, according to the tables, when he or she is not.


In recent years, body mass index (BMI) has become the medical standard used to measure overweight and obesity. BMI uses a mathematical formula based on a person’s height and weight. BMI equals weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared (BMI = kg/m2). Depending on the specific values or range of BMI scale or measurements, a person can be individually yet easily classified as overweight, obese or of normal weight.

BMI Classification of body weight

Overweight: A BMI of 25 to 29.9 indicates a person is overweight.

Obese: A person with a BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese.

However, like the weight-to-height table, BMI does not show the difference between excess fat and muscle. BMI, however, is closely associated with measures of body fat. It also predicts the development of health problems related to excess weight. For these reasons, BMI is widely used by health care providers.

Last but not least, measuring the extent of your obesity or body weight is the first calculated step towards achieving and maintaining an ideal weight and smart body. If you make sure this first step is the right one, your ultimate destination shall not be far then.

Types of Body Fat

As you go about your fat loss diet program, there’s no question that your primary goal is to reduce that unsightly body fat that you have on your body. You know the stuff – the jiggly tissue that occurs under your arms, on your lower abdomen, as well as in the inner and back thigh region, all places that you feel are definitely your primary ‘trouble zones’.

What are the types of body fat?

But, in your quest to cure these trouble spots, one thing that you should consider for a second is the fact that often this body fat isn’t really the biggest of your worries.  What is more troublesome is the body fat that you don’t even see.

What are the types of body fat? Let’s go into further details on this topic so that you can gain a clear understanding of the types of body fat on your body as well as the implications of each.

Subcutaneous Body Fat

Subcutaneous body fat refers to all the body fat that you can see on your body. It’s the body fat that you can pinch on the sides of your stomach, the body fat that is located on the arms, the body fat that seems to never want to budge on your lower back region, and the body fat that makes you self-aware of your legs while wearing a pair of shorts.

Now, this body fat isn’t healthy to have because it is excess weight and will cause there to be excess stress on the joints due to all that weight coming down.

In addition to that, it will still put your health at risk as it can increase your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and inflammation, however it’s not the most detrimental tissue that you need to be concerned about.

Visceral Body Fat

What’s much more detrimental and what you really need to be concerned about is the visceral fat that you have on your body.

Visceral fat refers to fat that’s located within body cavities and surrounds all the main organs in the body.  This is the fat that may start to interfere with their proper function if it builds up to a high enough level and could potentially put you at risk for heart disease and stroke if it begins to crowd its way into your arteries.

Visceral body fat that’s found in the abdominal cavity is especially worrisome and must be taken seriously because this is the fat that will really increase your risk of diabetes, cancer, inflammation, as well as heart disease.

You can often tell if you have a high amount of visceral body fat as the stomach will appear to be fat, yet be hard to the touch.  The reason for this is that all that fat is lying underneath the muscle tissue, while subcutaneous lies on top of the muscle but just under the skin.

Which type of fat should be reduced?

You will work to lose both types of body fat in the same manner – using a proper diet, a good workout program.

Often you may not see the reduction in visceral fat like you would with subcutaneous fat but just know that if you are following your program it is happening and it’s really putting you in a much healthier state.

So never overlook the differences between body fat types again.  While both are definitely not something you want to be present on your body, you really must sit up and be concerned when visceral fat is coming into play.

Five Tips for Fat Loss

If you’re like most people on Earth, one of the primary goals you have each and every time you hit the gym is gaining a new sense of leanness. You don’t just want to create a muscular body, what you’re looking for is to achieve a state of being ripped where you can see maximum muscle definition and turn heads everywhere.

So how do you go about doing this? What are the secrets to lose fat quickly?

What are the secrets to lose fat quickly?
What are the secrets to losing fat quickly?

Let’s give you a few pointers to get you started.

Eat Plenty of Lean Protein

The very first tip you must abide by if you want to get ripped is to eat plenty of lean protein. Lean protein is what will increase your metabolic rate, save your lean muscle mass, and ensure that you get that chiseled set of abs that you’re looking for.

Those who don’t get enough protein in their diet often end up looking soft rather than hard, so it’s a must to focus on for success.

Drink More Water

Second, you also should be aiming to drink as much water as you possibly can. Don’t let yourself waste calories on beverages that will only set you back. Staying well hydrated with at least ten glasses of water is the thing to do to achieve utmost leanness.

Water is not only going to flush the body of toxic build-up but it’s also going to help to banish any bloat that might be taking place.

Balance Exercise with Rest

One big mistake some guys make in their quest to get ripped is doing far too much exercise and not balancing this with rest.

Remember, some exercise is good but more is not better. If you’re spending too much time in the gym and not enough time recovering, overtraining will set in.

If you become overtrained, you’re going to experience inflammation throughout the body and this can actually make you look puffy rather than lean and defined.

Get Metabolism Support

Maintaining a fast metabolism will also be important for burning off enough calories throughout the day and making good progress. To keep your metabolism humming along, use a metabolic support product.

Metabolism boosters accomplish this very nicely and will also increase your energy levels as well so that you can give more to each workout session you do.


Finally, make sure that you commit to persevere with this goal. Losing fat isn’t something that’s going to happen overnight, but if you do carry out the proper action plan, it can happen a lot faster than you think.

As long as you have realistic expectations and are willing to put in some work, there is no reason why you can’t reach this goal.

So there you have the main things to keep in mind if you’re looking to lose body fat that you’ve never discovered before. Get your action plan in place and you’ll be on your way to your new body.

Can Ready-Made Meals Trigger Fat Loss?

Keeping to a low calorie weight loss plan can certainly support you to lose those extra pounds or kilograms and witness the results of extra fat loss. Yet how do they work?

meal plan
Can ready-made meals trigger fat loss?


There have been a few researches to date into weight loss plans that provide ready-made calorie controlled meals, however two new studies have assisted researchers to get a better picture.

Trial 1: conducted on a group of 130 overweight women for 1 year, each was supplied with 2 calorie-controlled pre-made meals and drinks every day for the first 12 weeks, before going down to just 1 meal every day from 3 months onwards. When taken alongside 1-hour daily workout they witnessed average fat losses of 12 kg in 1 year.

Trial 2: performed on a group of 442 obese women with Body Mass index of more than 25, during the course of this study they were tested to see which offered better results – calorie controlled meals or support from a nutritionist.

After 2 years it was found that those provided with calorie-controlled meal lost 300% more body weight than those receiving dietary advice: low calorie meals (average fat losses 6-7 kg), nutritional suggestions (average fat losses of 2 kg).

Are these trials reliable?

Even though both trials clearly show the perks of getting weight loss help, the second trial is the most reliable as experts were able to assess pre-made meals to nutritional recommendations.

However, even with these figures, trials should be reviewed carefully.

Provided with these meals for up to 2 years for no cost at all, it is difficult to decide if these statistics had been the same if dieters had had to invest in these meals independently or if they had got less assistance.

What else can are my other options?

There is no overlooking the fact that altering your diet, eliminating fatty foods and working out regularly can greatly increase your fat loss. However, if like so many slimmers you are finding it hard struggling to reignite your diet, the guidance of a credible fat loss supplement such as keto pills can help.

Scientifically tested and found during 6 medical tests to: reduce up to 28% of your body fat, curb your appetite, decrease blood cholesterol, increase energy levels and decrease calorie intake by 450 calories a day. When ingested as part of a balanced weight loss plan keto supplements can assist you to benefit from extra fat losses of 2lbs a week, 100% risk-free and naturally!

How to Stay Motivated During a Fat Loss Program?

Struggling with your motivation? If so, take comfort in knowing that this is a perfectly normal occurrence. Many people do struggle from time to time with their motivation levels but it’s only those who are able to push past this who are going to see long-term results.

Rather than getting all held up over the fact you aren’t motivated, what you want is a game plan in place that you can turn to that will help bring these motivational levels back up again.

That’s where a journal comes into play. By taking the time to utilize a good journal each day, you can turn to this when you need a little bit of a motivational boost.

Journal your weight loss!
Journal your weight loss results!

Let’s look at a few of the facts that you need to know in order to journal properly to increase your motivation.

Take Pictures

The very first thing that you can do to make your journal far more effective is to make sure to include progress pictures. Very often it’s hard to spot differences in our body’s when we look at ourselves on a day-to-day basis.

But, when you look back over a period of time – say three or four weeks, then you can see clear differences in how you’re progressing along.

Progress pictures will help you realize this and get the sense that all your hard work is in fact paying off.

List Your Weight Lifted

Next, you should also take the time to write down precisely how much weight you’ve lifted each workout as well. Listing this is going to allow you to look at your workout program and see how far you’ve come from that perspective.

Remember, any gains in strength do indicate progress as well, even if the scale isn’t moving downwards as you’d like.

If you’re lifting more weight during your workout, this likely means that you’ve actually built some new lean muscle mass which then means that could be why the scale hasn’t moved down at the moment.

Take comfort in knowing that lean muscle mass will actually help you stay leaner in the long-run, thus you are moving in the right direction.

List How You Feel About Your Day

Another very important thing that you’ll want to do when your journal is list how you feel as you go about your day. Do you feel frustrated, upset, angry, or are you feeling somewhat confused over your program entirely?

Getting these thoughts and feelings down can help you notice trends in your behavior and that can allow you to gain insight into how you should deal with these feelings so that you stay on track with your program.

For example, if you’re often feeling sad and lonely and turning to food for comfort, this could indicate that you should either try and expand your social network or possibly even seek counselling.

If you never took the time to journal your feelings however, you would never have realized this and thus may have just continued on as you were.

Any way you want to look at it, a journal is a very effective tool for helping to increase motivation and keep you committed to your program. Having a good journal in place, along with a proper workout program, a good diet, an effective appetite suppressant, and proper goals so you know what direction you want to move in will ensure that you’re always taking positive steps towards success.

How to Beat Your Food Cravings and Lose Fat Faster?

Many people suffer from food craving occasionally. Craving is always for a certain specific food or type of food, not just anything to satisfy hunger. Generally, the craving is felt for candy, chocolate or something that will give sugar or carbohydrates to the body. It could even be the craving for potato chips or an extra glass of wine.

How to Beat Your Food Cravings
How to Beat Your Food Cravings?

Quite often people think it is bad habits that are responsible for this craving, or that the person has poor will power. That is really not the case! The food cravings have biological reasons! To beat the food craving we must understand these underlying reasons.

Reasons for food craving

Whenever we are exhausted or we feel depressed we have low blood sugar condition and the body signals the brain that it needs something to pep-it-up. This results in a craving for sugar or carbohydrates.


One of the causes for this behavior is Serotonin, our basic feel-good hormone. The conditions of low level of Serotonin and low level of blood-sugar go hand-in-hand. That is why whenever there is less of Serotonin; we feel a craving for sweet food such as chocolates to make up for the shortage of sugar in blood.

Unfortunately, sugar or carbohydrates release only a short burst of serotonin; when that burst dies down, the craving returns. This leads us into a spiral.

Adrenal Fatigue

Another reason is Adrenal Fatigue. When you feel stressed out or feel run own, when you have not had a restful sleep or you are feeling very tired for no specific reason, you are suffering from adrenal fatigue. In very severe cases the condition is called adrenal exhaustion. In the modern world this health disorder is quite common, but unfortunately it is very rarely appreciated as such.

Moreover, in case of Adrenal Fatigue the body sends a signal to the brain for a pick-me-up and that is your craving for sugar or carbohydrate snacks, or may be, coffee during the day; at night you may look for alcohol or carbohydrates. All of this only makes the problem worse.

Insulin resistance

It is also seen that persons, who keep themselves on a low fat, low carbohydrate diet for a long time or have been taking appetite suppressants, do have food craving; it is because they have become at least partially insulin resistant without realizing this condition.

In the normal course blood sugar level of the body is maintained stable by the action of insulin; insulin signals the cells of the body to absorb glucose from the bloodstream when necessary. Because of their insulin resistant condition, the cells do not respond to the signal and cannot mop up glucose they need.

This results in a distress signal to the brain asking for more carbohydrates or sugar. The body thus receives excess calories which are deposited as fat and the person starts gaining weight in spite of eating less.

Beating the craving

If you appreciate the basic reasons for the craving, then beating the food craving can be done. It may take a little time but it can be done. Fat burners can help you here!

What is a fat burner?

Fat burner is a diet pill that contains the complex consisting of fiber and metabolism boosting ingredients that work in different ways to help you with fat burning. Apart from that, fat burners usually help reduce appetite in order to help lose fat faster.

How does fat burner work?

Fat burners are usually made up of natural ingredients and hence do not carry any side effects caused by medicines. They can block up to 28% of fat consumed in your meal and burn existing body fat thus helping you reduce your weight in a safe manner.

What to expect after you take a fat burner?

  • Extremely fast weight loss and very noticeable fat burning
  • More stamina, more strength, more alertness
  • A general well sense of being due to the DHEA which 60% of adults are deficient by the age of 40
  • Lower cholesterol levels
  • Feel good factor about themselves – losing around 25lbs in 6 weeks is enough to make anybody smile
  • Appetite suppression and a killing of chocolate cravings
  • A possible weight loss of at least 3 lbs. to 5 lbs. in just over a week with a proper fat burner
  • Whatever your weight is, fat burner can help you get to where you need to be safely and effectively

About Author:

Hi, I am Nicolas Dunn, a creator of this blog and an author of most articles and reviews on these pages. I have been a dietician and expert in weight loss treatments for over 10 years. I specialize in helping men and women of all ages feel great, minimizing symptoms of diseases associated with weight gain, and satisfying your weight loss goals while providing you with the nutrients your body needs. I have been through many phases of dieting styles and have researched the latest scientific methods of weight loss to help everyone understand the process of weight management.