Why Do We Gain Weight?

If you’re interested in experiencing fast fat loss, it’s vital that you come to learn some of the biggest mistakes that many people make as they go about their plan and often completely steer them right off track.

It’s easy to overlook the smallest of things that could in fact be having a big impact on your overall progress, so by discovering what you must watch out for, you’re one step ahead of the game.

Why do we gain weight?
Why do we gain weight?

We will take a look at the most common mistakes that cause weight gain or prevent successful weight loss.

Neglecting to Plan

The first and most important reason why people gain weight is because they simply don’t have a plan in place. It’s an absolute must that you know precisely what you will be eating at every point in the day if you want to see the greatest success with this goal.

If you can come up with a plan and follow it, you know precisely how many calories you are taking in and can adjust this based on your real world results.

If you have no plan, then you’re leaving weight loss up to chance. When you don’t plan for meals away from home and bring appropriate food items with you, you’re counting on the fact that you’ll be able to find something healthy while out and about.

More often than not this is not the case.

Plan to succeed and you will.

Neglecting to Account ALL Calories

The second big problem is neglecting to factor all calories. You know how it goes, ‘Oh, but I was standing when I ate that, so it doesn’t count’.

Yes, it does. If you want to succeed with weight loss, everything will count. Beverages included. Don’t forget to tally up those 300-500 calorie smoothies or gourmet coffee that you down each day as well.

If you aren’t including these, you won’t see weight loss and will question why you aren’t moving forward. It’s due to the high intake of these beverages.

Neglecting to Factor in individual Preferences

Another mistake to avoid is neglecting your individual preferences. Try and avoid going on a diet that you hate. If you do this, you’re setting yourself up to fail from day one.

Yes, you will have to make some changes and may have to give up the junk food that you do enjoy, but if you can’t stand the thought of cutting out carbs or using a low fat diet plan, don’t. There are plenty of diet approaches that can work well so you should easily be able to find one that you will enjoy.

Dieting really doesn’t have to be as torturous as so many people make it out to be if they just invest in some quality research finding the right plan for themselves.

Neglecting Physical Activity

Finally, last but not least, make sure that you don’t neglect physical activity. It’s very important that you stay active all the time, as this will help you maintain a higher metabolism and help to give you more freedom with your diet.

One mistake is thinking that only diet matters. While it’s true that diet is the most important factor for losing weight, it’s the exercise that goes along with it that allows you to really change the way your body looks while you lose weight.

If you want a complete transformation, adding the workouts will be a must.

So there you have the top mistakes that some people make as they go about their weight loss journey. Do you see yourself in any of these?

What Causes Someone to Become Overweight or Obese?

You can simply become overweight or obese when you eat more calories than you use. A calorie is a unit of energy in the food you eat. Your body needs this energy to function and to be active. But if you take in more energy than your body uses, you will gain weight. Many factors can play a role in becom­ing overweight or obese.

How to balance calories?
How to balance calories?

These factors include:

  1. Psychological factors: Psychological factors may also influence eating habits. Many people eat in response to negative emotions such as boredom, sadness, or anger. Behaviors, such as eating too many calories or not getting enough physi­cal activity may also contribute to obesity.
  2. Environment and culture: This includes lifestyle behaviors such as what a person eats and his or her level of physical activity. For example, Americans tend to eat high-fat foods, and put taste and convenience ahead of nutrition. In addition, most Americans do not get enough physical activity. Some cultural reasons for this include:
    • Bigger portion sizes
    • Little time to exercise or cook healthy meals
    • Using cars to get places instead of walking
  3. Genes: Obesity tends to run in families, suggesting a genetic cause. Yet families also share diet and lifestyle habits that may contribute to obesity. Separating these from genetic factors is often difficult. Even so, science shows that heredity is linked to obesity.

Complications of obesity (what obesity can lead to?)

Being overweight or obese can increase your risk of:

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Breathing problems
  • Arthritis
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Some kinds of cancer
  • Problems getting pregnant

But excess body weight isn’t the only health risk. The places where you store your body fat also affect your health.

“Pears” vs. “Apples”

Doctors, dieticians and nutritionists are concerned not only with how much fat a person has, but also where the fat is located on the body. Women typically collect fat in their hips and buttocks, giving them a “pear” shape. Women with an “apple” shape store fat around their waists. If your waist is more than 35 inches, you may have a higher risk of weight-related health problems.

Men usually build up fat around their bellies, giving them more of an “apple” shape. Of course some men are pear-shaped, and some women become apple-shaped, especially after menopause. If you carry fat mainly around your waist, you are more likely to develop obesity-related health problems. Women with a waist measurement of more than 35 inches or men with a waist measurement of more than 40 inches have a higher health risk because of their fat distribution.

All in all, there is no single factor or because that is considered solely responsible for the development of obesity. The good news, however, is that while obesity is still considered incurable on a permanent basis, it is a fully and completely controllable condition. All you need is to live a physically active life, eat a well-balanced low-fat, low-calorie diet and use a safe, natural diet pill like appetite suppressants. This will not only maximize your efforts, but will also help you lose weight faster and smoothly.

Obesity and Mobility – Looking Beyond Appearance

As you go about your health and fitness diet plan, you’re likely monitoring your progress closely in the mirror, taking note about just how close you’re moving to your goal.

You have a certain physique image in mind that you want to attain and are working hard to get to that slim, attractive figure.

Obesity and Mobility
Obesity and Mobility

But, you don’t want to make the mistake of just putting all the focus on your physical appearance. While looking good definitely is important as it will increase your self-confidence levels and allow you to feel better overall, you can’t discount the physical limitation that you will remove when you do lose the excess weight.

Let’s take a closer look at this issue so you can be sure that you keep it in mind as well. The more positive benefits you know that come from successful weight loss, the higher your motivation will be to continue.

Obesity and Joint Stress

The very first thing that you really must think about is the fact that with all that excess weight you’re carrying around, this will be a great stress load on all your joints. If you want to maintain an active lifestyle, you may start to find that you suffer from knee, hip, or lower back pain over time.

The more weight you’re carrying, the worse this problem will be and in many cases it will seriously hinder your overall mobility and quality of life.

Obesity and Muscle Fatigue

Another issue related to obesity and mobility is the fact that your muscles will be much quicker to fatigue when you have an extra 30-60 pounds on your frame.

For you, each time you perform any sort of physical task it will almost be as if you’re putting your body through a weight lifting session.

While many people who are obese have come to grow stronger muscles because of this, often they are still not strong enough to overcome the fatigue that’s brought on from carrying this excess weight.

Shedding the extra fat will really make a remarkable difference on just how fatigued you feel at the end of the day. With the weight gone, you’ll find you’ll have energy all the way up to when you’re ready to go to bed.

Obesity and Heart Rates

Finally, the last factor that links obesity to mobility is the heart rate factor. When you’re carrying around all the fat mass on your body, you’re going to have to work that much harder to transport yourself around and this is going to place great strain on your heart.

You’ll find that you get breathless walking up even a short flight of stairs and experience higher than normal heart rates because of it.

Having such a high heart rate is not going to be healthy and could eventually cause your heart to become overworked, so this is yet another reason to really focus on shedding the excess weight so that you get to a healthier state.

So there you have all the many reasons why appearance shouldn’t just be the primary focus of your weight loss plan. If you want to sustain a higher quality of life over time, then you must do something to rid yourself of the excess weight.

Addictions That Result in Gaining Weight

There are numerous addictions that results in weight gain. These are clearly undesirable things that lead to putting on weight.

Certain addictions cause weight gain
Certain addictions cause weight gain

Let us look at these addictions that cause weight gain.


A few people really put on weight after they start smoking since they turn out to be more inactive while smoking, eat higher calorie foods and less amount of exercises. A major issue that frequently happens when an individual quits smoking is fast weight gain, however this gives off an impression of being for the most part connected with substituting nourishment for smoking, particularly when nicotine desires start. The possibility of weight gain every now and again demoralizes individuals from stopping,


Drinking alcohol can likewise prompt to putting on weight for a few people.


The truth of the matter is that junk food can bring about addiction in susceptible people. Individuals lose control over their eating way; in an indistinguishable path from drunkards lose control over their drinking conduct. You can lose weight easy by ditching the junk food.

Addiction is a mind-boggling issue with a biological basis that can be extremely hard to overcome. When you get to be distinctly dependent on something, you lose your opportunity of decision and the natural chemistry in your cerebrum begins making major decisions for you.

Who Should Lose Weight?

It’s a well-established fact that being overweight, eating poorly, and being physically inactive all increase your risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and some forms of cancer. Other factors affecting your disease risk include your family and medical history, and lifestyle factors such as whether you smoke or drink too much alcohol.

Health care providers generally agree that people who have a BMI of 30 or more can improve their health through weight loss. This is especially true for people who are severely obese.

Thinking about losing weight?
Thinking about losing weight?

Preventing additional weight gain is recommended if you have a BMI between 25 and 29.9, unless you have other risk factors. Obesity experts recommend you try to lose weight if you have two or more of the following:

  1. Family history of disease: Family history of certain chronic diseases. If you have close relatives who have had heart disease or diabetes, you are more likely to develop these problems if you are obese.
  2. People with pre-existing medical conditions: High blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, or high blood sugar levels are all warning signs of some obesity associated diseases.
  3. People with “apple” shaped body: If your weight is concentrated on your waist, you may have a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, or cancer than people of the same weight who have a “pear” shape.

Why losing weight is so important?

If you are overweight, losing just five to 10 percent of your weight and keeping it off lowers your risk for developing most of the above-mentioned diseases.

For example, an overweight 200-pound person who loses 10 to 20 pounds may reduce risk for disease and improve health problems, such as high blood pressure or high blood cholesterol.

Adopting more healthful eating habits, taking a natural fiber-based weight loss pills and daily physical activity can directly or indirectly help you minimize the risks for all these disorders and conditions.

Fortunately, a weight loss of 5 to 10 percent can do much to improve health by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels. In addition, recent research has shown that even 5 to 7 percent weight loss can prevent diabetes in people who are at high risk of this disease.

Last but not least, regardless of why you need to lose weight, you should go for the best and safest way to lose weight and improve your health by modestly cutting your calories, eating a balanced diet and being physically active each day.

Depending on your health and weight, you may also wish to choose some additional effective weight loss methods, such as some safe and natural diet pills, which will actually boost your overall fitness and weight loss efforts and will also help you achieve your desired results in a reasonable time frame.

Dealing with Childhood Obesity

Do you know that more than 17% of children and adolescents worldwide suffer from childhood obesity? In fact, the problem of obesity or abnormally high weight is continuously rising among children. This has resulted in a growing concern for both health care providers and the parents.

What is even more alarming is that not many people are fully aware of the consequences of this problem. The complications which may arise due to uncontrolled obesity include diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, sleep apnea, arthritis, and reduced mobility and life expectancy.

Childhood Obesity
Childhood Obesity

For the same reason, it is vital for the parents to address the issue as early as possible as, after all, prevention is better than cure. Read on to discover some simple, easy and cost-effective measures to deal with the condition.

So, what makes your kid fat?

Your child’s body gets the energy it needs from the food he / she eats (Input). This energy is used to perform physical activity (Output). The unused energy is stored in the body is stored as fat. Therefore, if, for some reason, this input is more than the output, it will cause your kid to become fat or obese.

What are the risk factors?

Some common factors that may cause your child to become overweight or obese include:

  • Food preferences: Foods rich in fat and sugar
  • Lack of physical activity: Sedentary lifestyle
  • Family history: If parents are obese, children have more chances of being over weight

What you can do?

Remember, being closer than anyone, parents have the main influence on the diet and lifestyle pattern of their children. Therefore, simple measures and easy tactics in the home can have a significant impact on reducing your child’s overweight or obesity. It is always better to address the problem as early as possible as most overweight children become overweight adults as well.

Following recommended measures are of utmost importance in managing the overweight or obesity of your child.

Enhancement in physical activity

TV viewing should be limited to no more than 2 hours per day, discourage TV in kid’s room.

Plan and execute activities that kids and family view as fun. Walking the dog is great daily exercise that also teaches children about having the extra responsibility of something in their care.

Develop a plan for increasing activities, such as family outings to parks. Alternatively, you can suggest indoor activities such as dancing or jumping rope. Children also love to play games like skipping, hide and seek, hopscotch and tag.

Suggest gifts/rewards that promote physical activity, such as active games, music CDs, or DVDs. With a little incentive you could get the kids doing chores like sweeping the yard, cleaning the family car or even weeding the garden.

It is, however, important to remember that when your child is involved in long exercises; they should include a gradual warming up and cooling down periods. Examples of warming up exercises are brisk walking or jogging on the spot. Similarly, when cooling down, stretching exercises help to restore the muscle’s resting length.

Improvement in eating habits

You should choose a balanced diet for your child, essentially representing the major food groups of whole grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes. It should also include dairy products, fish, meat and poultry.

Look for unhealthy dietary habits. Limit fast foods or providing lower fat alternatives, eliminating soft drinks or switching to low calorie drinks, changing to 2% or skimmed milk, substituting low-calorie, high-fiber snacks (low-fat popcorn, fruits, or vegetables) for the high calorie ones.

Never let your kid skip his / her breakfast. However, you should limit your kid’s daily food consumption to frequent small meals instead of a fewer large meals. A difference of three hours between two meals is mostly recommended, constructing 4 to 5 small meals each day.

In short, if managed early and properly, childhood obesity can be successfully controlled. Necessary measures, if taken early by the parents, can change the outcome for obese children or even prevent it happening in the first place. However, such change should be gradual and parents must plan for small, single changes at a time.

Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

Have you found yourself asking this question after 6 months or 1 year of a weight loss program? Maybe you have been dieting for a year now, and you are probably also exercising, yet you don’t seem to be making any progress, and you are worried. So you are now asking why?

Some people actually lose weight, maybe in their first 6 months, but later gain it back. If you’re troubled by this, it is most likely that you have been digressing from your plan. You’re not alone in this, if you must know, there are about 70% of the populations who suffer this problem.

Why Am I Not Losing Weight?
Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

First, check out with your doctor to make sure you are not suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus. But it could also be that you are suffering the same problem everybody out there who is trying to lose weight is suffering. They fail to seek expert advice. Or they have but are not adhering strictly to what was prescribed.

The thing is that, we know diet pills work, but not every diet pills out there works as expected or promised. You cannot afford to exercise just sporadically and expect that because you are on a diet, you should lose weight. It doesn’t just work that way. There has to be a well thought of diet plan as well as exercise plan.

Change Your Meals Plan

Something I would suggest is maybe trying a particular kind of meal works for you, it makes sense to keep going with that food combined with fruits and vegetables. You cannot keep trying different regimen forever; you need to stick to things that work. Use only tested diet plans.

If you have been using say, 1% milk that contains a very low amount of fat, then start using skim milk. You might want to incorporate lean protein like fish or chicken. You can also get good proteins from things like beans (some have more/better protein than others) or nuts.

Another secret is to stay away from snack bars.

Don’t buy and don’t have it at home. Even if it belongs to someone else, the kid for example because, sometimes you will need a cooperative family to succeed in losing weight.

The allure of these snacks is difficult to avoid sometimes. However, if you consider that your health’s worth more than a couple of snacks, it should serve as enough motivation for you to want to stay alive.

Add Exercises

I am outlining some of these steps because we believe your problem is in either your wrong diet plan or lack of consistency, maybe ignorance, too. So you should include some weight lifting exercises into your routine.

These exercises do not have to be heavy: Cardiovascular exercise is great and plays an important role in reaching your goal weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, however, once you stop the exercise you stop burning calories as well. With this you not just burn calories during exercises but continue even after the exercise.

Lose Weight and Feel Nice!

You can see that there are many various things that go into attaining a major objective like stepping into better shape. Whereas there might be several approaches that you can take, it won’t always be in your best interest to only try anything and everything you have heard of. Stick with the fundamentals and obtain lasting outcomes whenever you lose weight.

There are a number of elements that you have to consider in terms of one thing like this. The more that you understand and perceive, perhaps the easier it is going to be to stick with the plan and get the pounds gone. Via the article, you’ll get a better introduction into the doctor’s suggestion advice to dropping the pounds, and the way you may be able to achieve even higher outcomes than is can some fat-burning supplement assistance.

Lose Weight and Feel Nice!
Lose Weight and Feel Nice!

Think about one factor right from the get go: you aren’t going to drop all the pounds and added weight that you simply hope to in some ridiculous amount of time. Magazines have write-ups each month about some tremendous way to shred pounds and get fit. The trouble is, these are sometimes not healthy approaches, and they don’t train you discipline to keep the pounds off as soon as they’re gone.

How to Get into Shape?

You will discover that when it comes right down to it, it might be very troublesome to get into shape. You may need to let yourself go somewhat a bit and discover that that is an uphill battle like nothing you’ve ever confronted before. So after you have achieved this aim, it could be good to be comforted by the truth that you’ve established healthier habits that may all however make sure that the fat stays gone for good.

Some of the efficient steps, and for some probably the most difficult would be dieting. Because of this you have to break plenty of the bad habits that you’ve already fashioned, and have usually been nursing for many years now. Breaking them won’t be simple, however by way of diligence in portion control and healthier meals alternatives, you can be dropping pounds in no time at all.

Greater than this, you need to couple that effort with an extensive and in-depth exercise routine catered to what your body can handle. The more you exercise, the more you are going to have the ability to do so. It actually does work like this. Your body adapts to the exhausting work and you’ll become more inclined to push yourself more durable and farther the subsequent time.

Diet Supplements can Help!

You may be capable of discover a bit of help right here with the method in case you are looking to optimize your results. Diet supplements exist to help somebody through this course of to curb meals cravings and work tougher when they are exercising.

In case you are If you’re trying to achieve slightly little bit of perception into the uphill battle you face to lose weight, then hopefully you might be knowledgeable via this article. This isn’t meant to discourage you, however quite to elucidate that hundreds of thousands face this problem proper now, and you can be part of the hundreds which are capable of critically change their lives.

About Author:

Hi, I am Nicolas Dunn, a creator of this blog and an author of most articles and reviews on these pages. I have been a dietician and expert in weight loss treatments for over 10 years. I specialize in helping men and women of all ages feel great, minimizing symptoms of diseases associated with weight gain, and satisfying your weight loss goals while providing you with the nutrients your body needs. I have been through many phases of dieting styles and have researched the latest scientific methods of weight loss to help everyone understand the process of weight management.