Excess Body Fat and Risk of Diseases
If you’re overweight, there’s a very good chance that the biggest problem you see with the current state of your body is the image that looks back at you when you glance in the mirror.
It’s easy to focus on the outward appearance of our body as this is what we see on a day-to-day basis and what we’re constantly thinking about as we move through life.
But, it’s important not to let this outward focus you have cause you to neglect what’s happening on the inside.
The fact of the matter is that if you’re overweight, what you look like in the mirror won’t be any issue compared to what’s going on inside your body and the disease risks you may have.
Let’s uncover some of the biggest concerns that you should know about so you can see why it’s time that you took control of your weight once and for all.
Health Risks of Having Too Much Body Fat
Perhaps one of the most well-known health risks of suffering from obesity is the influence it’s going to have on your self-esteem and mental outlook. Those who are very obese often have very low self-esteem and may often stay away from social situations because of it.
This can cause a wide variety of psychological conditions such as anxiety as well as depression.
In addition to what being overweight will do to your mental health, some of the other physical health conditions that you’ll be at a higher risk for include:
- Having high blood pressure
- Coronary heart disease
- Type 2 diabetes development
- Stroke
- Gallbladder disease
- Osteoarthritis
- Breathing problems
- Difficulty sleeping
- Cancers of the breast and colon
Many of these health risks could potentially become life-threatening, so hopefully this makes you sit up and think very seriously about what could potentially be at stake for not taking action.
What You Can Do Right Now
So what can you do to decrease your risk?
Clearly the obvious answer is to lose weight, but while that weight loss process is taking place there are a few things that you should focus on to decrease your health risks right now.
- First, make sure that you’re getting regular exercise. Getting enough exercise can really help to improve your health status and eliminate or at least reduce some of the risks mentioned above.
- In addition to that, make sure that you are using a healthy diet approach. Using a crash diet because you want to lose the weight so badly would not be advised as that will just put you at even greater health risks since you’ll likely be losing muscle not the fat that’s causing the problem and furthermore, you often won’t be taking in a sufficient level of nutrients either.
- Try fat binders – these are diet pills created to prevent appearance of excess body fat in case of bad diets or not following meal plans.
If you get both the healthy diet and workout program in place, you should be able to feel confident that as each day passes by, you’re moving closer and closer to optimal health.
Safe Body Fat Levels
When starting up on a fat loss diet plan, very often a great deal of energy and focus is placed right on the exact body weight that you’re at
You want to weigh a certain number of pounds or kilograms and that’s all that you have on your mind: reaching that goal weight.
But, one thing that you should stop and think about for a second is what level of body fat you’re at both at your current weight and what you will be at when you reach your goal weight.
Maintaining a safe level of body fat is incredibly important as there are negative health risks associated with being on either end of the spectrum.
Let’s have a look at this issue further so you can see for yourself where you should stand.
The Dangers Of Too Much Body Fat
Most people are already quite aware of some of the biggest dangers of having too much body fat, but to summarize, when you have too high of body fat levels, you’ll likely be experiencing higher overall cholesterol levels which could set you up for heart disease, you’ll also be at risk for diabetes as the body tends to respond less to insulin when too much fat is present, and you’ll also be putting your bones and joints at risk for health problems due to all the excess weight coming down on them.
All in all, carry too much body fat and you’ll really be doing a detriment to your overall health and well-being.
The Dangers Of Too Little Body Fat
On the flip side of the coin, if you don’t have enough body fat you could run the risk of nutrient deficiencies. Since many of the vitamins that the body needs are only fat soluble, if you aren’t eating enough dietary fats in the first place, you likely won’t be taking these nutrients in, and then since the body has such low fat stores, there won’t be any place to store them.
Having too low of body fat levels can put your bones at risk for osteoporosis as well, especially if you’re a female.
Those people who do suffer from very low body fat levels will also notice that they stop menstruating, so that’s another negative health effect to be aware of.
Finally, when you have very low body fat levels you’re also going to notice that you feel tired on an ongoing basis, are constantly hungry, and may not even be able to focus and think as clearly as you normally would.
Optimal Range Of Body Fat
So what’s the safe body fat range?
For females who do require more essential fat, you want to be between 21-33% if you’re 20-40 years of age and be 23-35% if you’re over the age of 40. This is the recommended amount to maintain proper health and going outside these ranges are what will bring about the problems listed above.
For males, they can be quite a bit leaner and have a healthy range of body fat set to 8-19% for the age group of 20-40 years and have a healthy range set to 11-22% for those that are 41-60 years of age.
How and Why We Store Body Fat
If you’re currently facing an issue with your body weight, one of the questions that you might be asking yourself in the first place is how you store body fat. What is it that got you to where you are now and how can you go about getting yourself out of this situation of being overweight?
Understanding how and why you store body fat can provide a good indication that will let you look into the process of fat burning so you can uncover the precise steps that you need to be taking in order to move yourself forward.
Let’s have a quick look at why you store body fat and how this process takes place.
The Issue of Energy Imbalance
The very first thing that you need to understand is that the process of adding body fat to your frame very much is a function of how much energy is coming in versus how much energy is going out.
If you’re consuming a high calorie diet that has you taking in more calories than you’re burning off daily, this is going to cause you to begin to store excess body fat.
Since the body has more energy than it needs for its every day purposes, it has to do something with that energy and the most logical thing to do is store it for later use. This way, should you encounter a period of starvation, you’ll have built up energy reserves to turn to.
It takes you having an energy surplus of 3500 calories over time to accumulate one additional pound of body fat.
The Type of Nutrients Consumed
Now, one thing that you do need to think about in terms of why and how you store body fat is the type of energy that you’re eating.
- Protein-rich foods will be least likely to be converted to body fat stores because this nutrient takes a lot of energy just to break down. As your body is expending this energy breaking the protein down, this means less energy would be left over to store as body fat.
- After proteins, if you overeat in carbohydrates, you may not necessarily store these as body fat either. If you’ve been following a lower carbohydrate diet for example and have just completed an intense workout session, the storage form of carbohydrates in your body – your muscle glycogen levels will be lowered or even depleted.
When this is the case, the carbohydrates you eat in excess will actually go towards that storage first, and only once it’s filled up will you begin converting carbohydrates into body fat stores. - Then you have fats. Since fats take very little energy to break down and the storage place for them is in fact your fat stores, this is the nutrient that is most likely to get converted to body fat.
Note that this does not mean you should eat a fat devoid diet however – some dietary fat is necessary for proper health and functioning, but just remember that if your calorie intake is too high, then this dietary fat may turn into body fat.
If you maintain a proper calorie balance, then there won’t be a problem.
How to Minimize Fat Storage?
So there you have the main points to keep in mind about how and why you store body fat. If you want to minimize fat storage, eat a lower calorie diet that’s rich in proteins and contains moderate amounts of carbohydrates with small amounts of healthy fats sprinkled in.
Unfortunately, the reality is that we cannot avoid fats in our diet. Moreover, we often have to deal with trans fats that are especially hard to digest and are particularly harmful. As such, it is essential to seek the right balance of healthy fats. If your diet is far from ideal and you consume too much fat, you will inevitably develop a fat belly.
A high-fat diet also impacts our metabolism and decreases the number of calories we burn, which makes us more prone to weight gain. It’s a vicious cycle.
This is where modern medicine can help us. There is a specific type of dietary supplements for weight loss designed to bind fat in your stomach and prevent it from digesting into the bloodstream. These supplements are called fat binders and they can decrease fat digestion, boost metabolism, help reduce stomach bloating, help remove excess fats from the body, and prevent weight gain!
What are Fat Binders?
If you too – like so many of us – are looking for a natural way to lose those excess lbs. and achieve a healthier, happier body, then fat binders could be the answer you are looking for.
Absolutely natural and traditionally derived from plant extracts, fat binders can provide you with the perfect and easy healthy weight loss. Fat binders come with none of the risk associated with some chemically induced weight loss supplements.
So what are fat binders exactly?
In simple terms a fat binder is a component that binds and gathers fat molecules.
So let’s just say for this example you eat a double cheeseburger.
Once your burger has been broken down by your stomach, it will move into your intestine where it will meet the fat binder you ingested earlier. From this point your fat binder will begin binding the fat molecules making them too big to be absorbed back into your body.
But this is not all fat binders can do
Alongside their natural ability to reduce your daily fat consumption, fat binders are also known for being effective appetite suppressants, enabling users to reduce their meal portions and lose weight without having to starve themselves.
And the great thing is, as soon as you have taken the fat binder it will begin to work to bind your fat and offer you results on its very first day.
How are fat binders better appetite suppressants than most appetite suppressants?
When you traditionally take an appetite suppressant, they help you to cut your appetite by making your brain believe your body is full, when it is not. They essentially directly affect your central nervous system, altering your hunger signals and the timing in which they are released.
Fat binders on the other hand work within your digestive tract to help bind your fat molecules and lose weight. Other than that, fat binders have no other affect within your body.
Why choose a fat binder?
Compared to most weight loss supplements, fat binders can offer you a healthy weight loss, with none of the risk.
You see one of the most recurrent problems you’ll find in even the most popular weight loss supplements is their side effects. Chemically altered/made, some may be able to offer consumers a steady weight loss over time, but alongside these weight loss benefits consumers will also be able to find an array of uncomfortable side effects, that are not only just unpleasant but dangerous to your health too.
For example, how many weight loss supplements have you seen in the media that have been recommended as a means to losing weight alongside other dietary changes and exercises?
The answer is not many. But add a natural fat binder to the equation, and you’ll experience a different media outcome altogether.
Take for example a natural fat binder which is medically backed and clinically proven to work. Combined within their top 5 tips of: eating 6 times a day; having a healthy breakfast; surrounding yourself with support and setting yourself a realistic exercise plan, the Telegraph has placed natural fat binder as their second top tip.
Yet compared to most diet pills, fat binders can offer consumers a range of other natural health benefits, too!
Benefits of Fat Binders
- Lower blood cholesterol
- Increased joint flexibility and energy levels
- A reduction in food cravings
- A 450 daily calorie reduction
- No known side effects
- And with medical backing from the Medical Device Directive 93/42 EEC, consumers can take natural fat binders confident in the knowledge that with its natural fat binder benefits on hand they can begin to lose a steady 1-2lbs a week with minimal exercise.
So, offer your body a natural solution to healthy weight loss and the experience the joys of a healthier happier body.
Leading Fat Dieting Myths
There are lots of myths around what can and cannot support you to lose weight, but how can determine which are genuine, and which are false which work?
To assist you recognize which are genuine and make sure your fat loss plan is successful, we have reviewed 5 of the leading fat loss myths that are currently floating around the market.
Myth 1: Consuming fat free meals can help you shift weight
Even though keeping to a low fat weight loss plan can help you to get rid of lose those extra lbs., health officials recommend against eliminating fat out of your meals totally as it can prompt obesity and diabetes.
On top of being essential for your health making sure that your brain, heart and other organs are working properly; ingesting some fat can also be helpful for weight loss as it removes the hormone in your system that makes you hungry, whilst also creating peptides that make you feel not hungry.
Myth 2: Dieting drinks, smoothies and juice detoxes are helpful for fat loss
Dieticians have revealed that fizzy drinks, juices and smoothies particularly those which include sugar can actually trigger weight gain as they deceive your body into thinking it has absorbed fewer calories than it actually has.
In addition, dietary drinks can also encourage weight gain as the artificial sweeteners they include can bolster hunger for high calorie snacks.
Myth 3: Energy snacks can help you lose weight loss
Energy snacks are basically processed foods that are quickly ingested into your system. Because of these they don’t need as much energy as whole foods to be broken down, making them a poor alternative for proper foods.
Myth 4: Grazing on food all day long will enhance your metabolic rate and trigger fat loss
Even though you should not starve yourself, particularly if you are attempting to lose weight, snacking all day can be equally damaging.
The complication with snacking is that it messes up the body’s internal clock making it difficult to spot identify hunger cues. In addition, by nibbling, even on healthy meals, there is a risk that you’ll consume more than your advised calorie intake.
Myth 5: You can consume whatever you desire as long as you work out
Working out is essential to losing weight; however, if you are ingesting a lot of calorie dense meals, then this can lessen the number of calories you burn off whilst working out. The key to shifting weight successfully is to monitor your meal sizes and workout daily. Working out can help to manage your appetite and keep your weight manageable.
For natural safe fat loss, it is always advised that you incorporate consistent exercise with a nutritious weight loss plan; however, if you are finding it hard to boost your fat loss, then ingesting a quality fat binder can help.
One Answer to All Myths: Fat Binder
Scientifically tested and proven during 6 medical studies to: reduce up to 28% of your dietary fat consumption make up to 28% of your fat molecules’ consumption, decrease your hunger, decrease blood cholesterol and increase your energy levels, fat binder can give you provide you with the helping hand you need to boost your fat loss and shed weight 100% safely and naturally.